Your Instructors

- Dean, Walton School of Auctioneering
- Graduate, Ohio University, University of Kentucky
Mr. Walton, President, Walton and Assoc., Inc., formed in 1976 as a Management Consulting Firm; specializing in conducting Training Seminars for Industry and Government. Mr. Walton has been involved internationally in training over 20,000 people at all levels of the corporate organization in over half of The Fortune's Top 100 Corporations.
Walton has held an Ohio Auctioneer's License since 1979 and has been involved in 3,000+ auctions of all types and sizes including weekly Antique and Auto Auctions, Large Industrial Plants, Commercial, Chattels and many types of Real Estate Auctions.
His background includes executive positions with the following firms: VP Marketing - Sterling Institute, Washington, D.C.: VP Sales - The Center for Organization Development, Rochester, NY: and Regional Director - Kepner Tregoe, Inc., Princeton, NJ.

- Instructor, Walton School of Auctioneering
- Member - Ohio and National Auctioneers Associations
- Member - Medina Board of Realtors
Mr. Farnsworth received his Ohio Auctioneers license in 1968. Since that time he has conducted over 2,000 auctions. His experience includes a wide range and scope of diversity with specialties in Farm Equipment and Livestock, Commercial auctions, Industrial, Estate and Real Estate. His expertise includes antique furniture, glassware and quilts.
In addition to his auction activities, Farnsworth is also a licensed real estate agent. He has been selected to sell at the Kidron Equipment Auction, one of the largest in Ohio, and has also sold at the Mennonite Relief Quilt Auction. The Walton school of Auctioneering is proud that he is a member of the staff.

Mark S. Walton, Director
- Graduate, University of Akron, Marketing
- Auctioneer & Personal Property Appraiser CAGA
- State Auctioneer Licensed in Ohio & Pennsylvania since 1994
- Licensed Real Estate Agent since 1995
- Over 5 years as Instructor at the Walton School of Auctioneering
- Over 25 years experience as a Hardwood Lumber Inspector
- Over 20 years with COBA Select/Sires as a AI Sales Rep. Technician Contractor.
- Over 20 years as a Custom Cattle Hoof Trimmer
- Contractor for: National Hardwood Association Heat-Treat Auditor
- Graduate – The Walton School of Auctioneering, 2010
- Licensed Ohio Auctioneer specializing in Storage Auctions
- Graduate Lakeland Community College
- Graduate of Hondros College of Real Estate
- Specialty – Storage Units
Mr. Walton, has been involved in the Auction business on a weekly basis since 1980, born 1968, he has literally grown-up in the business. He is familiar with all phases of the business. He received his Ohio Auctioneers license in 1986.
Mr. Walton has also auctioneered at Dealer Auto Auctions. His experience includes sales at Bankers Motor Vehicles, a Cleveland, Ohio firm specializing in the weekly auction of repossessed vehicles of all types, Fleet Autos and Matured Lease Vehicles.
His interests also include Real Estate and he is a Licensed Real Estate Broker. He is the school Drill Sergeant and our students have enjoyed his dedication to details in putting them through the paces of bid calling and chanting drills to ensure they gain the necessary confidence to successfully sell at auction.

Darryl McGuire, Instructor
Membership: Ohio, Pennsylvania & National Auctioneer Association, Certified Appraisers Guild of America, Ohio & National Paint Horse Association, Braceville United Methodist Church, Garrettsville Masonic Lodge, Windham Board of Education, Maplewood Career Center Board.
Specializes in selling timber at auction in all of Ohio & Pennsylvania selling Real Estate, personal property, antiques , and anything else that may need sold.
Graduate of Windham High School, Walton School of Auctioneering, Hondros College for Real Estate, National Hardwood Lumber Inspection School, US Veteran. He continues his education through real estate and auction seminars.
Stephen D. Wilson, A.A., Instructor

Mr. Wilson is a U.S. Army Veteran and a retired police officer from the State of Ohio. He was a certified police instructor by the Ohio Police Officers Training Academy, as well as, an instructor for the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross. Mr. Wilson has been involved in the buying and liquidation of storage units for over ten years. He is a licensed Real Estate agent, he was the owner of a trucking and light excavating company until selling it in order to pursue his interest in the auction business.